Selasa, 26 Juni 2012

User Interface Management System

    UIMS is a technique for separating application functionality problems with the computer interface design. A large number of software architecture based on the assumption that the functionality and user interface to the software are two things that have different objectives that can be handled separately. The purpose of this separation is to increasing ease of maintenance and adaptation of software. Some UIMS architecture is the Model-View-Controller, linguistic model, the Seeheim model, Higgins UIMS, and Arch model. On linguistic models are Presentation layer, Dialog control layer, and Application layer. This layer corresponds to the lexical, syntactic and semantic layers of formal language theory. The UIMS system usually there is only one kind of paradigm that is implemented. For example, Model-View-Controller is implemented in java (swing).

    A number of user interface architecture has proven to be useful, but also raises new problems. At the level of feedback systems with high interaction and semantics (direct manipulation interface) boundary between the application and user interface is difficult or impossible to control.

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